Fort Myers Probation Violation Lawyer

There are numerous terms to comply with when on probation. Attorney Lee Viacava will explain how to handle your case and situation in the best possible light, both before and when going back in front of a judge. If you’ve been accused of violating your probation, don’t face the judge with an inexperienced lawyer; instead, contact the Lee Viacava Law Firm. Fort Myers probation attorney Lee Viacava offers more than 17 years of experience in nearly all aspects of criminal defense, including probation violation defense.

Defense Against Alleged Violations

Family emergencies, financial insecurity, mental health issues and other unavoidable problems can make perfect compliance difficult. Lee Viacava has helped countless clients accused of probation violations and is ready to represent you in a violation-of-probation (VOP) hearing. He will help you refute allegations that you willfully and substantially violated the terms of your probation.

Lee Viacava regularly represents clients who have been accused of violating their probation and also handles cases involving early termination of probation or modifying probation. When you contact the firm, he will immediately work to demonstrate that either you met the terms you were accused of violating or your violations were not willful and substantive.

Answering Common Questions About Probation Violation Charges

Because of his years of experience, attorney Lee Viacava can offer answers to many common questions people face when charged with violating their probation.

What is VOP?

VOP is an abbreviation of “violation of probation.”

What counts as a probation violation?

Probation allows you to stay in your community, but that arrangement comes with specific terms and conditions. Violating conditions could constitute a probation violation. Common violations include:

  • Missing one or more meetings with your probation officer without submitting prior notification or having an excuse deemed acceptable
  • Missing one or more required appointments
  • Refusing or failing to submit to drug/alcohol testing
  • Failing a drug test or alcohol screening
  • Going to places that your agreement prohibits
  • Moving to a different home address without reporting the change
  • Failing to pay the costs of court, supervision, victim restitution or other required expenses
  • Getting arrested for another crime during your probation period

What counts as a violation depends on the terms of your individual agreement, and reviewing your agreement could offer insights into the specific actions that could be probation violations in your situation.

What type of penalty can I get for probation violations?

Probation violations can bring on a variety of penalties. In some cases, probation violations can lead to greater restrictions in your agreement. In other cases, the court may revoke your probation, resulting in jail time. The penalty you face will depend on your violation and criminal history.

Contact The Firm To Learn How the Lee Viacava Law Firm Can Help You

The Lee Viacava Law Firm serves criminal defense clients throughout southwest Florida, including those accused of violating probation. To schedule your initial consultation with a highly experienced probation attorney, call the firm’s Fort Myers office at 239-672-8934 or fill out the online contact form. Mr. Viacava also represents clients in Cape Coral.